Have you ever read a sentence or even paragraph that took your breath away? When you can recognize the pieces of the puzzle, you’ll be able to learn how to do the same.

31. Pushing through moments that feel like epic failure
How do we push through moments that feel like epic failure? Hear Erin find her motivation again as she keeps things in perspective.

30. Showing emotions by asking yourself 8 questions
How do we show what we or our characters are feeling so our readers can experience those emotions for themselves as the scene unfolds? Learn how to visualize emotions and thus show readers.

29. Using children’s stories to inspire your writing w/ Maria Secoy
In this episode, Maria explains what questions writers can ask themselves, and their children, to expand their understanding of what makes a story when reading children’s stories.

28. Connecting with readers before you hit publish w/ Stephanie Brandt
Stephanie Brandt shares how she became disconnected from her creativity in her new adventure of motherhood and she overcame that to write her first book. We also chat a lot about reader magnets and social media marketing.

6 Easy Steps to Set Realistic Writing Goals
New Year’s resolutions tend to fall through. But when we apply those lessons to writing, you’ll know how and why taking these six steps will help you succeed with your writing goals.

27. Planning realistic New Year’s writing goals
Planning our writing goals is crucial to our success. But we also need to set realistic goals we can achieve. Use these 6 steps to ensure your writing success this new year.

26. Claiming your writing identity w/ Jennifer Bozarth
Erin coaches her on the importance of making time for her own goals and happiness amidst their discussion on what it means to be a writer.

25. Navigating your Google and Word docs easily
Did you know that you don’t have to sit down and write a story from beginning to end? Learn how to use built-in features in Google Docs and Word so you can navigate and outline chapters and scenes easily.

24. Finishing the first draft: Staying motivated
In this episode, Erin talks about staying motivated, because we all have those moments when we lose steam, even when writing a story we’re excited about.