In today’s episode, you’re going to learn four easy tips that have a powerful impact on your sentences. In fact, they’re so easy that you can start implementing them today. Bonus: You’ll also learn how zombies can help.

50. Organic marketing tips for social media w/ Chad Miller
Learn 6 organic marketing tips that will help you grow your social media audience, without spamming groups or turning readers away with only “buy my book” posts.

49. Avoiding pitfalls when writing cross-genre w/ Kellie McIntyre
If you’ve ever considered writing cross-genre, learn how one author successfully combined travel writing, memoir, and young adult into a single book.

48. Braving (and conquering) the traditional publishing route w/ Maria Costanzo Palmer
Learn how one author entered Dante’s inferno and took initiative to get her narrative nonfiction novel published via the traditional publishing route.

47. Shifting the needle from dreaming to writing
The clips highlight some reoccurring themes among my guests that shift the needle from dreaming about writing to taking action.

46. Six editing lenses that help with revisions
Learn how you can use different editing lenses to review your work and how this method can help make revisions less chaotic.

45. Normalizing mental health issues in romantic historical fiction w/ Ginny Moore
Hear Ginny Moore share not only why her postpartum anxiety and depression went undiagnosed for far too long but also how subconsciously funneling her mental health issues into her main characters has helped her to know herself better, heal, and save her marriage.

44. Healing through creative writing and journaling w/ Rebecca Evans
Discover how Rebecca Evans uses creative writing and journaling not only to reconnect with herself daily but also to find purpose in her traumatic experiences.

43. Growing your audience organically
In this episode, you’ll learn how to reach your ideal readers and how to create content that users actually want to consume AND share.

42. Touching creative source w/ Jackie Amsden
Have you had that moment when your words flow effortlessly onto the page and what you write completely surprises and delights you? Tune in to learn more about that experience with creative source.